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易卡螺丝君 2012-03-29
拜托 我给你看的是 LTE Advanced


易卡螺丝君 2012-03-29
何况现在intel的WinMax基本已经停滞了 事实标准就是LTE

在学术场合引用国内百科的资料 算是蛮少见的 虽然在正式场合 wikipedia也不能被认为是严肃的引用
易卡螺丝君 2012-03-29
还有你认为的是4G标准是什么? 给个例子让大家瞅瞅?
卡夫卡 2012-03-29
易卡螺丝君 写道
还有你认为的是4G标准是什么? 给个例子让大家瞅瞅?



高通:LTE不是4G技术 现在讲4G太超前
易卡螺丝君 2012-03-29
中文引用从来不能被作为正式严肃讨论的参考 这基本上是行业的规范 而且你还引用的是某厂商的申明 如同让三鹿申明自己没有放三聚氰胺一样是很荒谬和可笑的

记住我们讨论的不是主观感受的具体产品 例如安德猴和iOS ,而是在说客观定义的规范

In March 2008, the International Telecommunications Union-Radio communications sector (ITU-R) specified a set of requirements for 4G standards, named the IMT-Advanced (International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced) specification, setting peak speed requirements for 4G service at 100 megabits per second (Mbit/s) for high mobility communication (such as from trains and cars) and 1 gigabit per second (Gbit/s) for low mobility communication (such as pedestrians and stationary users).[1]

Since the above mentioned first-release versions of Mobile WiMAX and LTE support much less than 1 Gbit/s peak bit rate, they are not fully IMT-Advanced compliant, but are often branded 4G by service providers. On December 6, 2010, ITU-R recognized that these two technologies, as well as other beyond-3G technologies that do not fulfill the IMT-Advanced requirements, could nevertheless be considered "4G", provided they represent forerunners to IMT-Advanced compliant versions and "a substantial level of improvement in performance and capabilities with respect to the initial third generation systems now deployed".[2]

Mobile WiMAX Release 2 (also known as WirelessMAN-Advanced or IEEE 802.16m') and LTE Advanced (LTE-A) are IMT-Advanced compliant backwards compatible versions of the above two systems, standardized during the spring 2011,[citation needed] and promising peak bit rates in the order of 1 Gbit/s. Services are expected in 2013.[3]

4G规范早在2008年就已经制定完成 没有规范怎么会出现那么多技术选型 对于LTE 委员会认可他被称成为4G 并非什么运营商包装的产品

并非我咬文嚼字 码农如果没有严谨的态度 很难生存下来
易卡螺丝君 2012-03-29

^ ITU global standard for international mobile telecommunications ´IMT-Advanced´

^ a b "ITU World Radiocommunication Seminar highlights future communication technologies"
卡夫卡 2012-03-29
易卡螺丝君 写道
中文引用从来不能被作为正式严肃讨论的参考 这基本上是行业的规范 而且你还引用的是某厂商的申明 如同让三鹿申明自己没有放三聚氰胺一样是很荒谬和可笑的

记住我们讨论的不是主观感受的具体产品 例如安德猴和iOS ,而是在说客观定义的规范

In March 2008, the International Telecommunications Union-Radio communications sector (ITU-R) specified a set of requirements for 4G standards, named the IMT-Advanced (International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced) specification, setting peak speed requirements for 4G service at 100 megabits per second (Mbit/s) for high mobility communication (such as from trains and cars) and 1 gigabit per second (Gbit/s) for low mobility communication (such as pedestrians and stationary users).[1]

Since the above mentioned first-release versions of Mobile WiMAX and LTE support much less than 1 Gbit/s peak bit rate, they are not fully IMT-Advanced compliant, but are often branded 4G by service providers. On December 6, 2010, ITU-R recognized that these two technologies, as well as other beyond-3G technologies that do not fulfill the IMT-Advanced requirements, could nevertheless be considered "4G", provided they represent forerunners to IMT-Advanced compliant versions and "a substantial level of improvement in performance and capabilities with respect to the initial third generation systems now deployed".[2]

Mobile WiMAX Release 2 (also known as WirelessMAN-Advanced or IEEE 802.16m') and LTE Advanced (LTE-A) are IMT-Advanced compliant backwards compatible versions of the above two systems, standardized during the spring 2011,[citation needed] and promising peak bit rates in the order of 1 Gbit/s. Services are expected in 2013.[3]

4G规范早在2008年就已经制定完成 没有规范怎么会出现那么多技术选型 对于LTE 委员会认可他被称成为4G 并非什么运营商包装的产品

并非我咬文嚼字 码农如果没有严谨的态度 很难生存下来


易卡螺丝君 2012-03-29
ls颠倒黑白能力佩服的五体投地 你怎么解释你之前说的运营商包装的说法


还有4G标准早就盖棺定论了 ls之前为啥反问我5G是啥 这是啥逻辑?
卡夫卡 2012-03-29


螺丝君英文很差吗?加引号的“4G”意思就是准4G,否则人家加引号干嘛,为什么不直接写could nevertheless be considered 4G???
易卡螺丝君 2012-03-29
这不是英文 是阁下语文水平突破天际了

你牛逼 加引号就是"准"

我输了 我输了!!!!!!!
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